Wiggle it. Just a little bit. I want you to wiggle it. Just a little bit.
Um…not really, but today we’re going to rock your lower body with this 12-minute burner and you’ll want to dance your rump around the kitchen because you’ll feel so good!
This is the second workout in my 30x30x3 Workout Series. If you remember, the first was the 30x30x3 Upper Body Workout! Now, you can do this workout alone OR you can link it with Workout #1 and have a wonder 24-minute upper and lower body workout! BOOM! You’re welcome!
The Workout:
You’re going to tackle 4 blocks of exercises
Each block has 2 exercises.
Complete exercise #1 in Block 1 for 30 seconds.
Complete exercise #2 in Block 1 for 30 seonds.
Repeat two more times (for a total of 3 times through each exercise).
30 second break, then move on to Block 2 and repeat the above.
Complete Blocks 3 and 4 and finish the workout STRONG!
Voila! Magic!
If you’d like to have me coach you through this workout, you can listen to this workout via podcast by CLICKING HERE or you can download the workout via iTunes or Stitcher radio.
Be sure to check out the YouTube video for the How-To for all the exercises included in this workout! Also…subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss out!
So. Many. Options! Woop!
Now…get to it! You got this!
Off you go!
Lindsay, What do you do when your outdoor workout gets cancelled due to poor air quality from all the smoke? Stay inside and rock this workout! Thanks for the great sweat! My legs were burning in the last block … Saved to my Pinterest workout board 🙂
AWESOME!!! I’m so happy you liked it! Way to get your workout in! Woop!