A lot of people ask me how I manage to get everything done in a week. Actually most people ask me how I fit everything I do in a day. To be honest, some days, I have no idea.
But, for the most part, it’s all about scheduling.
Every Monday morning I do five things to help me stay on track throughout the week. If I fail to do these five things, I typically have a more challenging week and I rarely hit my goals.

The 5 things I do every Monday morning are:
#1 – I schedule my workouts. The most common question about scheduling I get is “how do you always fit in your workouts?”. I schedule them and I rarely ever miss that meeting.
My fitness is extremely important to me, so I ensure that time is blocked in my calendar every day for my workouts. No one is allowed to schedule meetings for me during those times and I refuse to let anything touch that time. It’s important for my physical and mental health, so I make it a priority.
#2 – I set professional goals. I find if I don’t set at least five goals that I want to have accomplished by the end of the week, I’m hooped. I get distracted throughout the week and I don’t focus on the end game.
I’m a person who needs an end game. Meaning, I need to have things I want to get accomplished written down. Then, I need to cross them off.
BONUS TIP: I do this daily, too. Every morning I write what I need to get done each day and cross it off as I go.
#3 – I practice gratitude. Every Monday I write 20 things that I’m grateful for. I start my day with gratitude. All other days I write five things I’m grateful for, but Mondays…she’s a special day and she gets 20.
#4 – I block my days in 30 minute to 120 minute blocks of dedicated time on specific tasks. For example, if one of my goals is to get a podcast posted by the end of the week, I break down what needs to be done (record, edit, graphics, uploading, video, blog, more graphics, social posts) and schedule time to do each task.
I’ve found that if my day isn’t blocked and schedule, I spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME screwing around and flitting about social media. If I have an hour block dedicated to writing, I’m writing.
I typically start blocking my days at 5am Mon – Wed and 5:30 am Thursday and Friday. By doing this, I give myself a little grace around 1 pm when my mind turns to mush and my productivity goes down.
#5 – I give myself permission to take Fridays off if I’ve achieved my goals. This can be a very big motivator for me. Typically by the end of the week, I’m very tired. Demands are high and the days are long, so by Friday, I’m pretty tired.
If I can push through four days of hard, dedicated work. I schedule easy peasy things on Friday and if I get 50% of that done…I’m happy. I like meeting goals, but I’ve also learned that there’s something to be said about giving yourself permission to breathe and rest and meet up with a friend for coffee or a hike.

I like doing these things on a Friday because my kids are still in school and I kinda feel like I’m being a badass and playing hookie.
I’m the boss…so, I’m not really a badass. If you DO have a boss, you should probably run this plan by your boss. Cuz, methinks some wouldn’t like this plan. LOL.
Anyhow…I know most of this is scheduling. But honestly, if I don’t do it, I have waaaaay less productive weeks than when I’m schedule, practice gratitude and get my workouts in. It’s all important.
What do YOU do to stay on track all week? I’d love to hear if you have any tips! Share them in the comments!
Have a great week, y’all!
I do similar! I have reachable to do lists and try and aim to take fridays off!