Have you ever had a day when you just don’t want to workout? You know the one: you feel tired before you start, you don’t want to get sweaty, you are busy and although you squeezed in time…you just don’t want to do it. Then you do the workout and your legs are 824lbs each, you can’t find your breath and you swear the 30-minute workout is actually taking 4 hours?
Yeah, I know that feeling. Can you relate? Don’t think just because I’m a fitness trainer I don’t have days when I don’t want to workout. They are fairly rare, but they do occur. Days when I just want to say “forget it” and go sit on the couch to watch a little Judge Judy (oh yeah…guilty pleasure alert!).
I’ve heard every excuse in the book on why you can’t get your workout in, or why you missed a class or why it’s been weeks since you’ve moved your body. I wrote a blog called “Our Garden of Excuses” on the Hot Mama website discussing exactly that. But on the days when you do have time (correction, you’ve made time) and you still find yourself procrastinating by organizing your junk drawer, cleaning the toilet or finally putting the baby pictures into an album, it’s time for some positive self-talk.
Next time you find yourself either 1) making excuses not to workout and/or 2) talking yourself out of working out, try telling yourself these 7 things:
- I’m going to go workout. Oh, the power of words! By saying the words out loud, you’re more likely to follow through with your workout. You can tell a co-worker, a friend, your dog, your fish, even just yourself. But, say it out loud. There’s power in those words and it forces commitment on your part.
- I am not selfish. For some reason, many people think they’re being selfish by taking the time to exercise. Stop that thought. It’s not true. Exercise helps you function better from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep. By being physically fit you can do more throughout your day without fatigue setting in. You’re not being selfish; you’re becoming a more energized Mama. And who doesn’t want to remain silly and fun in the evening when, previously, your less fit self would have crashed and burned?
- I am worth it. You are. You know that, right? You’re worth putting in the time and the sweat to become (or remain) functionally fit. I bet you have a lot going on in your day, in fact, I know you do. Well, you know what? You’re worth putting some of that time into remaining healthy, both physically and mentally. You’re worth it. Trust me.
- Only I can make a difference in how I’m feeling. You are the only person who can change how you feel about yourself. You can either procrastinate and not get your workout in and feel guilty for the rest of the day, or you can go get it done. On days when you’re feeling sad, mad, depressed or frustrated, you have the power to change how you’re feeling. Exercise helps. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: exercise is medicine.
- I am powerful. Say it. Say “I am powerful” out loud. Say it over and over and over and over again. Even if you don’t believe it. Say it. Try it right now. Don’t feel silly. Say to your screen “I am powerful”. Now say it louder. Now, shoulder back, chin up, tummy pulled in and say it again. “I am powerful”. If you played along with me here…did you feel your energy change? The power of words is insane. Instead of saying “I’m tired” or “I have no energy”, say “I AM POWERFUL”. Repeat it until you feel the energy in you change. It will…you just need to verbalize your power, it’s there.
- I need this workout. Whether you believe that or not, you do. Your body needs to move and sweat and be worked out. By giving your body what it needs, it’s going to give back to you and release all those amazing endorphins, which, in the end, helps create a happier, healthier body and mind. You need this workout. Trust me. You do. Even for the mental clarity it can give you. You need this workout.
- DIG (or whatever your “power word” is)! You need to find your “power word”. What is that? That’s the one word you can repeat to yourself throughout a day when you know you’re going to struggle with getting your workout in (for any number of reasons). Find a word that lights you up and replace it with your excuse. For me, my word is “Dig”. If I find myself going through my day looking for excuses to not workout, I replace my excuses with that one word.
I don’t have time. DIG.
I’m so tired today. DIG.
I’m feeling overwhelmed. DIG
I should spend time with the kids instead. DIG
OH! Today would be a good day to clean the utensil drawer! DIG
Judge Judy is on! DIG
There you have it, try saying these 7 things the next time you find yourself making excuses not to workout or simply just feeling like you don’t want to workout. Not only will you (most likely) get your butt out there and get your workout done, you will also change the energy you put into your workout. And, that all you. That’s the power of words.
Use that power and unleash it on your body. It deserves it. It’s earned it. Now DIG…and get it done.