My name is Dr. Lindsay Goulet and I am a firm believer that exercise is medicine. I don’t believe exercise should replace any medication you may be taking to help manage mental illness, but I certainly know the benefits of moving your body to help manage your mental health. With a Ph.D. in Exercise and Occupational Physiology, I took a keen interest in exercise as a way to improve mental health when my own mental health began to suffer.
I know, both personally and professionally, that exercise can help you manage your mental health, particularly in illnesses like depression, anxiety and PTSD.
I’ve also started to provide the Safe & Sound Protocol and I look forward to being a safe place for you or your loved one to move through this incredible journey. My goal is to help you on your journey to a more positive state of mental health.
A Little More Info About Me:
First and foremost, I am a Mama to two of the coolest and most awesome people on this planet (no bias, it’s absolutely true).
I’m also:
- The Director of Exercise Programming and Education for Habit Lifestyle Medicine (a company dedicated to aiding first responders in their health and wellness journey).
- Certified in the Safe & Sound Protocol created to help those with sensory disorders, anxiety and/or trauma.
- A Ph.D. in Exercise & Occupational Physiology
- A mental health advocate and speaker ready to talk to anyone and everyone who wants to learn about mental health and what it takes to be a Support Warrior.
- A writer to help educate and inform people on important (and some not-so-important) issues about mental health, parenting and making it through the day.
My Education:
I have a:
- Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education,
- Master’s of Science, and
- Ph.D in Exercise/Occupational Physiology.
I loved and continue to love learning how the body works, how it responds to exercise and how to make changes in people’s lives, for the better. I believe physical activity impacts mental health and work to help you boost both your physical and mental wellness.
I’m a certified fitness trainer and have 100% loved working in the fitness industry for the past 25+ years. I’m also a researcher born to learn and continue to learn how to improve mental health and manage mental illness through physical movement.
Finally, I’m certified to provide the Safe & Sound Protocol and am extremely honoured to work with clients as they move through the program. I work to create an extremely safe place for you or your loved one to experience the SSP.
Areas I can help you with:
- Exercise programming to support your physical and mental health needs.
- Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) – Connect, Core & Balance Protocols
- Keynote speeches, presentations and podcast interviews.