I’ve wanted to create a killer cardio workout for you all for awhile now and I figure why not start the week off with a great workout?! So…I created the “Lindsay Gee’s Super Sweat Sesh”.
You’re welcome!
What do you need? Well, first and foremost, you’re going to want to get into the right frame of mind. Meaning, I want you to mentall prepare for a really good, quick, down and dirty sweat sesh!
The workout is 24 minutes long, not including your warm-up and cool-down.
Choose a piece of cardio equipment to conquer this workout, OR, fi you’re able to, take it outside on a road bike or while you run.
When I write “ON”, I mean that I want you working at a “9” on your Rate of Perceived Exertion scale. 1 being at home in bed, sleeping. 10 being maximal effort. So a level of “9” is just below your maximum effort and should be very uncomfortable. You should not be able to hold a conversation at a level 9.
When I write “OFF”, I mean active recovery. Please do not completely stop your feet and flop to the ground. Hop off the treadmill but keep your feet moving. Or, if you’re on a bike, cycle your legs uuuuuuber slowly. Recover. Your next set needs you back at a 9, so give your body a chance to recover and your mind a chance to recover and prepare for the next interval.
Are you ready?
Here’s the workout:

Fun, right? YAY!
Are you going to give it a whirl? I’d recommend writing the timings out for yourself and sticking them in a place that you can see clearly. If you’re out on a run or an outdoor cycle, set your intervals on an app and get to work. I like Interval Timer for these types of workouts.
Let me know if you try this! I’d love to hear how it goes for you! YAY! Sweaty fun