Alright party people, it’s time to get moving! Try this little gem out today and let me know how it goes! Think of this workout as a little cardio with a twist of fun at the top of every minute. Woop!
Here’s the plan:
Commit to a set amount of low and slow cardio. What does that mean? So glad you asked! That means low intensity and usually a slower pace. I recommend at least 30 minutes of straight cardio, but would love it you could squeeze in 45. Now, set your timer to “DING” every minute. Lace up your running shoes and off you go. Every time you hear the “DING” complete 5 repetitions of one of the exercises listed below. Then, back to your cardio! DING! Next exercise. Back to cardio. DING! Next exercise. Back to cardio. Get it?!
No, you won’t set a personal best with this workout, but it’s an awesome way to include some strength exercises into a cardio workout. And, for those of you who struggle with being bored during your low and slow workouts, these exercises help break up the monotony and will keep you on your toes!
Let me know how it goes! Enjoy! Remember your low and slow intensity level should be around a 6-7. That means that you should feel slightly uncomfortable throughout the duration of your workout. In fact, in every workout you should be slightly uncomfortable…that’s how you know you’re doing it right! BAM! #howwedo
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