My goal has always been to create programs that are safe, effective, interesting and challenging. I’m not a weekend warrior, my entire post-secondary education was in exercise. I have a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology, so you can trust that the programs and workouts I put together for you are based on science, not on trends and fads.
Hopefully one of my programs works for you. If you don’t see something you need/want, please email me at and we can work to put something together just for you!
Midlife Metabolic Remix –
Coming February 2019
Getting older has a lot of benefits, but the metabolism of your 20-year old self, typically, isn’t one of them. As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down. If you’ve found it more difficult to maintain your weight, if your clothes are a little tighter, if your energy is lacking…this program is for you.
Designed specifically for those of use who are ”a little more seasoned” than others, this 28-day program will kickstart your metabolism, energize the heck out of you and have your metabolism back up to revving and going the distance
Back to Basics – Coming SOON!
Over the years, fitness has become intense and so filled with “new moves”, “new research” and “new fads”, I truly wanted to create a program for those of you who simply want to learn the basics and get moving.
In this 6-week program, the goal is to get you active and working out with basic exercises using correct and effective form. Whether you’re walking, jogging, swimming, hiking…it doesn’t matter. The “cardio” aspect of this plan is your choice. I will simply give you guidelines to follow.
I also want to teach you how to do basic movements, properly. You won’t find any crazy “animal flow” exercises or double-back-flip-biceps-curl-sumo-squat-combos here. I want you to learn how to do a squat, a pushup, a basic strength training exercise properly. Results come from consistency and proper form. So, how ‘bout you let me help you with that?
Walking + Weights (for my Mama) –
Coming SOON!
The importance of physical activity as we age cannot, and should not be minimized. The saying “use it or lose it” rings true with respect to our aging bodies and I want to help get you moving to keep you moving for years to come.
This 6-week walking and weights program will get you out, get you active and will help keep you limber, strong and helping you live life to its fullest. The power of exercise is at your fingertips. You can have more energy, get through your day easier and simply enjoy life a little more…all by moving your body safely.
Let me help you get going. Walking is one of the best ways to get active, so I’ve put together a 6-week walking + weights program designed specifically for my 55+’ers out there.