With the close of our first round of #RockYourRoutine, a fitness challenge accepted by 150+ participants, I was at a loss as to what to challenge our Hot Mamas with next. You see…our next #RockYourRoutine challenge where we challenge you to commit to 3 workouts per week of at least 30 minutes (proof via sweaty selfie) doesn’t start until November 28th. So…we have a whole month where I feel like I need to challenge you!
Enter…Hot Mama’s 25% Stronger Challenge!
I got to thinking…”Lindsay, you love pushups. Why not a pushup challenge?”. I was contemplating doing 100 pushups per day for the month of November. But then I heard all the physios, chiros and medical doctors gasp at my audacity. So, I thought “I bet we can build up to that. I bet we can get 25% stronger ever quarter of the month”. So…that’s what we’re doing!
We’re working our way up by 25% increments to 100 pushups per day for the last 8 days of November. But my babies, my sweeties, my lovelies…have no fear…we’re going to start with 25 pushups per day for the first 7. Then we’ll move up to 50 per day for the second quarter. 75 pushups per day for the third quarter and then we’re gonna ROCK right back into #RockYourRoutine with 100 pushups for the last 8 days of November!
YAY! Right?! You’re super excited?! You’re in?! Right?!?!?
Go on…head over to the Hot Mama HQ FB Group, join the group and accept the challenge. OR, if you have a local franchise in your area, just commit to the challenge in your local FB Group! What’s in it for you?! Well…complete the challenge and you’ll be entered to win a level of our at-home-super-fantabulous-metabolic-boosting-28-day workout plan, IGNITE. That’s RIGHT…we’re even going to give away something for getting stronger! Woop!
Here’s the challenge:
Lindsay, your writing skills is simply fantastic. As a fitness freak, I really like the way you are working hard to stay fit and trying to achieve that 25% stronger challenge. Pushups always help. Nothing much to say. Just keep doing the same. Cheers!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words! All the best to you!