I’m 10 days into Hot Mama’s IGNITE – Torch program and so far, so good! I’m following the nutrition guidelines (mostly, I still have trouble hitting that eating every 3 hours mark, but I’m working on it) and getting my workouts in. I’m feeling strong and I definitely have more energy!
Ten days in and I’ll say this much…I’m sore. Yesterday was the OHM’s Fav, so it was a quick down and dirty workout. There wasn’t a lot to report yesterday so I chose not to bore you with me “Yup, workout done!” post. Today I need to get Metabolic Workout #2 and Full Body Torch #2 done. These are two, shall we say, challenging workouts. I’m trying to wrap my head around attacking today.
My morning usually consists of getting up to work by about 4am. Lately, however, I’ve been sleeping until 5 because I’ve been extremely tired. I think 4 years of 4am wake-ups may be catching up with me! So, 5am seems to be the new norm. Anywho…I get up, work on my business with coffee in hand, kiddos and husband still sleeping…this is my ME time and I loooove it. I find I am MOST productive in these early morning hours. I love this time of day.
Around 6:45, kiddo #1 wakes, we have a hug and a kiss and a snuggle and I send him over to watch his sports highlights. Yeah…he’s seven and he loves his highlights. At 7 I Livestream on either Hot Mama or Lindsay Gee. Then…at 7:15I rejoice because it’s my scheduled time to workout and sweat and energize my body and soul.
I give myself from 7:15 – 8:00am to get my workout done. Some days I’m able to get both Torch workouts done, some days only one. It all depends on when I actually get my butt on the treadmill. I often get pulled back to the computer for social media comments or my kids need Cheerios, a hug, a shake-shake…whatever! Sometimes I don’t make it to my garage (where I workout) until 7:30 or later.
My “Me” Space:
By the time I’m done my workout, kiddo #2 is up and they both know that at 8-0-0- they are to have the tv turned off and be getting dressed and ready for their amazing day. Our morning routine works for us and I’m incredibly grateful to be able to squeeze my workouts in. Do you have a time that just works for you?
There’s a glimpse into how I fit it all in. Most days I show up to drop my kids off in my workout gear, super sweaty hair in a ponytail, face red and my body still sweating like crazy. I’m a real treasure at school drop off. My kids are so proud.Ha!
I find if I don’t get my workout in at 7:15, there’s a VERY good chance I won’t squeeze it in. It’s running at about 78% chance I won’t get it in if it’s not during my schedule 7:15 timing. I am a creature of habit. I like routine.
I have to schedule my workouts or they don’t get done. I wonder if more people should schedule specific times dedicated to working out. Perhaps that would help some of you find the time you need to workout. Most of us can’t say “I’ll get to it later” because it just won’t happen. It’s too easy to get caught up in life and all the demands we have throughout our busy, busy days.
Exercise is IMPORTANT to your body, your soul…your life. Perhaps blocking time, sacred time for exercise might help you if you’re one of those people who just can’t seem to fit it in. If I didn’t block my 7:15 – 8:00 time and said: “I’ll get to it later”…I wouldn’t…and I live and breathe this stuff. I’d have the excuse of “I don’t have time”. But I DO have time. I make time. It’s written in my calendar…every single day.
So…here’s my tip for the day: Look at your calendar and block your workout time. Try to make it a fairly consistent time every day. Don’t allow anything to sidetrack you (well, try not to!). That exercise time, if scheduled properly, WILL become habit. Trust me on this one. It WILL become habit. And you’ll be cranky when you don’t get it. Trust me on that too! HA!
I’m off to tackle Day 10. Will you get your workout in today? I sure hope so!