I had A LOT of feedback and opinions as I decided on my Lindsay Gee logo and I cannot thank you enough! Who knew y’all had so much to say about it?! I was blown away by the number of messages and texts I received yesterday, not to mention all the comments on the blog itself and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! BOOM!
The most interesting part? You had questions. A lot of you asked the symbolism of the feather. Or what the blog is for. How do I want to expand and grow? It was humbling to know that you follow what I do so closely and that I…well…I mean something to you. This means something to you. It was humbling and beautiful and put any doubts I may have had running through my head at ease.
The community of Hot Mama is incredible and the purpose of Lindsay Gee is to expand on that. Grow that. Help more and do more. Be more. I want to live every moment for my family, my community and I want to be a better person who loves, inspires and motivates. I realize I do a lot of that already, but it’s not to the extent I want or need to feel successful. Until every woman out there loves her body, there’s still much work to do.
Without further adieu, my sweets, the Lindsay Gee logo is:
Some changes that were made:
You’ll notice it’s a bit different than the one you were choosing from. The text is now PURPLE and yes, the little dot is pink. Why pink? Because I will always and forever be connected to Hot Mama. Hot Mama is my baby, my dream, and while I expand myself, I’m also working tirelessly to expand Hot Mama and find new franchise owners to help me change the face of fitness and motivate a globe to get moving…as a family. So yeah, there had to be pink.
But, just a dot. Because that’s all Andrea would do. LOL
Why the feather?
Simple. I see feathers everywhere I go. They randomly show up in my house, they float by as I walk around, people have gifted me feather jewelry for a long time and when I first started franchising Hot Mama, I gifted my new owners with feather earrings. I don’t know why. I just did. And feathers are now simply a part of who I am, like wine and peanut butter cups.
Whenever I see a feather I feel as though something bigger and grander is taking care of me and there is solace there.
I have a fairly stressful life trying to build this Hot Mama (and now Lindsay Gee) empire, so to know I’m being taken care of by the greater universe? Well, there’s comfort there. And that’s why the feather is in my logo. As the universe and my angels take care and watch over me…I promise to take care and watch over you.
Thank you for your feedback on this decision. I read every comment and am so grateful to those who took the time to respond. I am beyond grateful to each and every one of you.
LOVE IT!! If really does represent who you are and what you believe in. Excellent choice, Linds!!