Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.
Alright…here we go…
No. You’re not going to get fit if you don’t get physically active.
No. You’re not going to get healthy if you keep putting shitty food in your mouth.
No. You’re not going to love your body if you don’t do the work, both inside and out.
No. That fad diet isn’t, actually, going to work out for you in the long run.
No. Your whining about how hard it is doesn’t actually make it any easier.
No. Your excuses don’t actually get the workout done.
No. You can’t put 50% in and get 100% out.
No. You won’t see improvements if you workout “every now and then”.
No. I can’t do the work for you.
No. You truly cannot spot reduce.
No. I can’t want this more than you do.
No. Cheating on your workout won’t get you the results you want….I saw you do only 15 reps when I told you 20.
No. Just because it’s made from coconut oil doesn’t mean you can eat all of it (put the fudge down).
No. The calories do count even if you just worked out.
No. Your metabolism won’t be the same as it was 20 years ago but that doesn’t mean you give up.
No. Slowly pedaling on the incumbent bike while you flip through the pages in “Fitness Magazine” will not get you the results you’re after.
No. It doesn’t matter what you wear when you workout. Look cute, look like shit…it doesn’t matter…just wear something you’re comfortable in.
No. No one cares what you look like when you workout. Just do it.
Yes. You do have to sweat.
Yes. You do have to put the work in.
Yes. You do need to push yourself.
Yes. Your fitness is important.
Yes. Salad is good for you. Stop your bitching.
Yes. Quinoa is ALSO good for you. Shut up and eat it.
Yes. You can change your metabolism. If you do the work. So shut it and do the work.
Yes. The calories do count even if you sneak it and no one sees you shove it in your gob.
Yes. Your head will explode if you bitch too much (fact, not fiction).
Yes. It does add up. So take the stairs, play tag, go for a walk.
Yes. You’re going to feel like a sausage in your jeans if you eat a steady stream of chocolate and drink wine like it’s water (sad, but true).
Yes. Water is good for you. Shut it and drink it.
Yes. Sleep is important for health. Close your eyes and go to sleep.
Yes. You can treat yourself. Every now and then. Not every hour (or even every other hour…nice try).
Yes. Your time is important. So is the health of your body, mind and soul.
Yes. Excuses annoy the heck out of me because there’s no excuse to not move and honour your body. You are important.
Yes. Managing it all is hard and tricky and I know you’re busy and it’s hot or it’s cold or you didn’t eat enough or your ate too much and you’re burping tacos or you didn’t drink enough water or you’re wearing the wrong underwear or you forgot your deodorant or you locked your keys in your father-in-law’s car or you need to vacuum, dust, clean toilets, organize closets…or you juuuust dooon’t waaannaaaa . Do it, anyway.
Yes. You need to shut your face and do the work.
M’kay. Rant over. For now.
ps. I’m here if you need me…seriously. I’d do anything (except listen to excuses) for you.
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