Listen, I’m not saying your mind is always an asshole, but when it comes to what it says and thinks about your body? Most time…it’s an abusive asshole. Your mind controls how you feel about your body, what you think about your body and often these thoughts result in your overall feeling of shittiness towards yourself and sadly, more often than not it leads to body-loathing.
We constantly hear about the power of our thoughts. We hear that our mind and our thoughts control our path, our destiny, and ultimately the energy we put out into this world (thank you, Oprah, and “The Secret”). And hey, I totally agree. There’s great power in our minds, our thoughts, our energy. What I need you to understand is that your mind can be a total cow and a completely abusive entity breaking you down, telling you you’re not good enough and guiding you towards your own self-destruction.
Your body is a thing of beauty. It’s phenomenal. It performs miracles every freakin’ day. The fact that you wake up, breathe, have a heartbeat, smile, frown, cry, laugh, talk and move throughout your day is an incredible gift. But, do we acknowledge it’s greatness? Do we consider every day we get to get up, move, survive, thrive a gift? No…we’re too busy being told by our mind that we’re too lumpy, bumpy, chubby, boney, skinny, ugly, wrinkly and all the other crap our mind throws our way.
And yes, the media and society we live in have a lot to do with what our mind is incessantly berating us with. But, perhaps we need to find a way to stop our mind from controlling the greatness that is our body, that is our strength, that is who we truly are. Perhaps we need to start celebrating the glory of the miracle we live in and stop telling us that it’s not good enough.
Here’s the thing…you gotta stop talking smack about your body. What’s it ever done to you? I mean sure…we get injured, we get sick, and things happen to our body that we don’t particularly enjoy (hello peeing when I sneeze), but it houses my mind, my soul and where the heck would I be without this thing? I’d be a big blobby blob slithering around on the ground.
It’s time to tell your mind to stop being so mean. It’s time to stop the negative self-talk reel that you have going round and round and round in your mind. And yes, I know that’s easier said than done, but don’t you think it’s time to at least start to try? The first step is simply “noticing what you notice”. This is one of the very first exercises we have you do in our Screw the Scale program. We simply ask that you start noticing when your mind starts talking smack about yourself or your body. What triggered it? What did your mind say? How did you react? How did you feel? Why did you respond the way you did? Just start noticing what you notice.
From there, after you start to see a pattern, change the thought. Try…just try…to put something positive in there instead of the negative crap you’ve been telling yourself for years. You won’t be able to do this all the time…the mind is a bully and will constantly try to bring you down…but take control and repeat positivity. You’ll win eventually.
After you win a few times against your bully of a mind, your mind may actually start to change. It might actually acknowledge some strength, some endurance, some gifts your body has given you. Let those thoughts enter and embrace the warmth that comes along with it. Let your body absorb the kindness and nourish it as its never been nourished before.
It’s time to flip the switch and love your body. It’s time to tell your mind to bugger off and allow it to change and adapt and love something it’s been told to hate for a long, long time.
Good luck, Mamas…go on…get out there and start noticing what you notice. If you need me, I’m here. All you need to do is ask for some help and I’ll be the first one shouting kindness at you and your body.
Well said. Dr. OHM!!
Aw…well thank you so much! xo