Have you ever had those times in your life when you question your worth? When you start looking at the person you are, the person you’ve become and you start thinking “jeez, I could do better, be better, be more”? I’ve recently just come through that experience and the secret to coming out of that nonsense?
It’s that simple. Now, don’t get me wrong…people are most often the cause of you having to dive into the abyss of yourself and search for your goodness and worth. But, please know, it’s also people that pull you right back out and into the bright, warm, strong arms of love and acceptance.
To say I’ve had a rough few months would be an understatement. My health has been poor and I wasn’t sleeping. I was also at a crossroads with my business and there was a lot of change happening…something I struggle with. So, I started to doubt myself. I started to wonder if I could actually pull off this mega-dream of world domination.
Then…I traveled to see the people who I am working so hard for. As the Founder of Hot Mama I often get pulled into the business side of things and I forget who I am doing all of this for. It’s for you, Mamas. And my family, of course. But, it’s for the benefit of families, of Mamas and of their children that I work so hard. And I have the Alberta Hot Mamas to thank for grounding me and pulling me out of my cave of doubt and worry.
I recently traveled to Alberta to visit some of our Franchise Owners. Often times I don’t look forward to traveling, but this time was different. I NEEDED the Hot Mamas. I needed to remember my why. And what better way than by surrounding myself with the very people I am working so hard for (and with!).
There wasn’t a moment during my trip when I doubted myself. Mamas were excited to meet me. Nervous to meet me. And so open and warm and friendly. There was NO WAY I could possibly doubt myself.
I haven’t laughed, loved and felt more honoured in quite a long time.
I know why I’m here and I know why I work so hard. But sometimes, you need people to remind you. Sometimes you need to let the energy you’re helping to create surround and ooze back into your soul. Sometimes you just need to let all the bad go and accept the good.
I cannot thank the Alberta Hot Mamas enough for my last visit. I enjoyed every single aspect of it. From cooking with our Calgary West Sarcee Mamas for Made by Momma, to participating in classes with Edmonton SE and Edmonton SW, to kicking some serious Spruce Grove Hot Mama ass, to hanging out with some of the coolest St. Alberta Hot Mamas in town! Aaaaand, how can I forget the wine, the Caesars and OH!…the Santa Shuffle 5k.
See? It was busy, busy, busy.
The best thing? Our Sherwood Park Franchise Owner texted me at the end of the trip and said “You all looked so happy!”…and Mamas…I don’t think “happy” has been an adjective to describe me in a very long time. And what a wonder it was to hear that!
Thank you, Hot Mamas. Thank you for bringing the happy back into my life. You have reminded me of my goodness and my worth. I am forever grateful.
With much love and mad respect,
Your OHM