My kids are the bomb. And yeah, I know…most parents think their kids are THE BOMB, but mine really are, so there.
Startin’ it off real mature…
I digress.
I was watching my kids yesterday and I noticed how strong their bond is. Sure they bicker and fight and push one another’s buttons, but at the end of the day, I rest assured that they will always have one another to lean on. And, they will lean on one another should they need to.
Here’s the great thing about my kids: they’re actually friends. They play together. They hang out together. They often walk to school together. And, when push comes to shove, I know they have the other’s back.
Trouble at school? They turn to one another.
Bad day? I hear them talking to one another.
Good day? I hear them making fun of one another.
I always knew they were close, but after talking with other parents, apparently, that isn’t super “normal”. While we do have the bickering and the “O-Wen-AHHHHHHH” (that’s when Paytie is super pissed…probably because her brother stole her shoes and hid them again), we also have a lot of laughter, hugging and adoration between those two little schmoopies of mine.
You should also read how I raise them and the “Don’t be a d**k” mantra I taught my son…it’s saved him and his sister A LOT of aggravation.
I’m a big believer in the universe and souls and that souls can wait for one another, so if you don’t…skip the next paragraph.
I went to a tea leaf reader years ago and she told me that my kids were very, very close. In fact, they wait for one another and continue lives together as brother and sister through time. And this time, they chose me to be their Mom. They waited together and hand-picked me to be their Mama.
How freakin’ cool is that? They chose me! Am I not the luckiest Mom in the world to have these two as my kids? I felt so humbled and loved when she told me that, and whether you believe that to be true or not, there is no denying the bond between my children.
Payton constantly checks in with her brother to see how he’s feeling. She always asks if he was able to get on the ice or play his baseball game (for those that don’t know, my son has severe panic disorders and they often cause him to miss things he loves). She celebrates when he achieves and she is compassionate when his anxiety gets the best of him.
And Owen? He manages the overly dramatic episodes my daughter likes to stage and stands up for her when she needs it. I’ve even seen him hug her just to hug her and calm her down when she is nearly inconsolable.
All this to say…I’m so freakin’ glad they have one another. With my son going to middle school next year and my baby girl growing up what seems like five years in just one…there is comfort to know they have one another’s back.
I love love. I love sibling love.
I know that I can rely on my own brothers to support and love me, no matter what, so it was important for me to foster a strong bond between my kids. The cool part? I don’t think I had anything to do with it. I think they have it naturally and I get to just sit back and know that I don’t have to worry about their bond. It is the strongest sibling bond I’ve ever seen.
Yay siblings!