Welcome to Screw Skinny. Screw Skinny is not about body shaming, it’s not about putting others down, it’s about embracing our bodies no matter the shape, size, weight, wiggly-ness, jiggly-ness. It’s about choosing to love the areas that used to make us cringe, or even…despise. It’s about acknowledging that our bodies are amazing, strong, capable and that the numbers on the scale DO NOT define us.
Screw Skinny is about banning the word “skinny”. In a world full of unachievable images and messages of bodies to strive for, I don’t want my daughter growing up to be a word. Screw Skinny is about flipping the bird at the word and at the scale and not only accepting our bodies the way they are, but embracing, loving and celebrating them.
You are NOT defined by the numbers on the scale. You get to define you, your strength, your power, your health, your fitness. YOU. Nothing and nobody else.
We’ve definitely started some conversations with people who think we are shaming thin people. Trust me when I tell you we are NOT. It’s the opposite. We want you to love your body no matter what. Thin, curvy, voluptuous, ripped, squishy, stretch-marked, saggy…all of it. It’s time to embrace ourselves. I’ve received message after message from people thanking me for the video and telling me their story of being bullied because of being thin, being overweight, being muscled. It’s saddening and maddening. It’s a battle I’ll fight for anyone and everyone who isn’t yet ready to fight for themselves.
Now, creating a video is all well and good but we need to do more. So, along with the videos, Hot Mama has created an 8-week Screw Skinny Strength & Empower Program.
What is that? Good question. The Strength & Empower Program is an in-person class offered by Hot Mama’s Franchise Owners. Each week you will learn a new way to workout that will leave you feeling strong and empowered. How? Education, baby. If you know why you’re working out a certain way, it helps you on your health and fitness journey. So yes, each week you’ll get a Hot Mama butt kick like only we do.
But, that’s just the Strength and fitness part of the program. What about the empower part? Well, it’s time for you to start looking within yourself. It’s time for you to start saying the words “I’m beautiful. I’m strong. I’m capable”. So, every week you’re going to be given homework to do. Some homework will be hard and will make you really look within yourself to find the words of gratitude and self-love. Other weeks you’ll soar through the homework and scream from the rooftop (literally) how amazing you are.
The body awareness and self-love homework you’ll receive is the integral part of our Strength & Empower Program. We will set goals, we will make you look in the mirror and say positive words, we will break down the barriers of body-loathing and challenge you to accept you for you. We will celebrate others. Our Strength & Empower Program is not just another fitness class. It’s a fitness class that is going to push you physically and mentally. It’s time to figure out how to love your body and celebrate it. It’s not about just saying the words “I love my body”, it’s about believing them, owning them and celebrating them.
And how else would we end an 8-week journey that will build your strength, endurance, power and love of your body but with a Screw Skinny Scale Bash Celebration! Oh yeah we are. At the end of the 8-weeks we are organizing a Scale Bashing party! We’ll provide the sledgehammer and the safety goggles…you provide the scale to bash. Why? Because it feels DAMN GOOD to smash the scale. It feels amazing when you are no longer tied to defining your self-worth by numbers on that damn scale. And there is no better feeling than taking a sledgehammer to something that used to have some serious power over you. See ya later, scale. BAM!
REGISTER today at your local franchise. Space is limited, so connect with your local Main Mama and SIGN UP to be a part of this! You’ll receive the strength, support and love of your fellow Hot Mamas in your own FB Group. You’ll be inspired, empowered and loved. Oh…and we’ll make you sweat. Oh yes we will.
Have no fear, if there’s no franchise near you, we’re working on an online version for you. But…that won’t be released for a few months. So, you’ll need to hang tight on that.
Alright, Mamas. Join me, won’t you? Let’s take our power back. Let’s love our bodies. Let’s not be defined by numbers on a scale. Let’s get rid of aiming for skinny…join me…help me spread the word that we all need to #SCREWSKINNY.